About The Potters Haven :
The Potters Haven have been providing a service to their community for the last 25 years… We started off as a Place of Safety for children and since the registration of our NPO on the 26th of July 2012 have changed from Place of Safety to a Foster House for Children –
15 children (1 child being a HIV little boy), who have all suffered from some form of abuse. Some are orphaned due to the HIV/Aids pandemic, some have been removed from abusive homes, and some have been abandoned completely and left to fend for themselves. Their stories are varied and in some cases really shocking.
These children arrive at the Potters Haven with no self-confidence, no self-respect, no dignity, and usually with only the clothes on their backs. We provide shelter, food, schooling, clothing etc, but most of all we provide a loving and safe home where they are encouraged to reach their full potential and to become contributing members of society. We aim to restore in these children all they have had taken away from them through care, holistic counseling, prayer and most of all, love. We teach them cleanliness, responsibility and restore their faith in humanity as we equip them to live normal healthy lives.

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